The Cologne Dome

Main Artworks in the Cathedral With the following photo I will show you the reason of the Dome erection starting in 1248. Here you will have a look at the Holy Shrine: In the newer days the well known artist Gerhard Richter designed the south window of the Dome. The south side was former the main entrance from the monastery. Today the entrance is closed. The window itself is very colorful. Please have a look: The doors on the west and east side have been designed by Ewald Matare. Here some Details: Inside the Cathedral Walking through the Dome you […]

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Pictures of the North

The North East of Germany At the end of January 23 I was participant of a photo workshop. Theme was the Black and White High Contrast Photography, short BW HC. This workshop was organized by the LEICA Academy Wetzlar. I must say the landscape in North East delivers many motives to take in BW HC. I also took the opportunity to visit Stralsund an impressive old town with a long history and Rügen, Germans biggest Island. Rügens nature and countryside also offers many Photo sceneries. The Workshop The target of the workshop was to detect scenes covering the black and […]

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South East Bavarian Churches

Tradition and Churches The south east of Bavaria has a long tradition of religious live and culture. In the 15th century many churches where raised in this area. The churches are used in different ways. Some of them are churches of pilgrimage, some had local character as religious meeting point and even as cathedral in Passau. You will also find a church that was build in 19th century (Herz Jesu in Ludwigsthal). Here the some buildings as photo examples: Religion and Art The catholic church was always a sponsor of art in the churches. So you can find impressive art […]

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Visiting P.P. Rubens at Antwerp

Antwerp has very old roots and with the decline of of Bruges as harbor Antwerp become important and with the garment industry rich. But also the faith of Antwerp was often changing. Also in modern times. In the Second World War the City was heavily destroyed. Cathedral of Our Lady The Cathedral is an impressive building including also some masterpieces of P.P. Rubens. I shot several photos to give you an idea of the building inside. In the Town After visiting the Cathedral we went to the Grote Markt, the Center Place of Antwerp. Here you can visit the glory […]

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Tour de France

At the start of October 2022 I started a little Tour de France. The tour started at Nancy, my next destination was Lyon and the final destination was Beaune in Burgundy. With my Photos I will give you some impressions of the beautiful towns. Let me mention: All Photos have been recorded with my Huawei P40 or with the pocket Lumix camera of my wife. Nancy Nancy is the capital city of Lothringen. The town has a very old history and firstly named in 800 bc. Ludwig XIV annexed Lothringen in 1766. For his father in law Stanisław Leszczyński the […]

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14 Days at the Lüneburger Heide

From August till September I visited the Lüneburger Heide. My home destination was Müden/ Örtze a little village near to Celle. In this days I planned to photograph the BAUHAUS areas in Celle, want to document some glass objects during the exhibition Glasplastik und Garten 2022 in Munster nearby Müden. With Celle and Lüneburg I have visited 2 towns very impressive in this area. Do you like birds ? Then you have to visit the Vogelpark Walsrode, the biggest of its art. Also the nature around Müden is very interesting. Müden the Village Müden is a village with more than […]

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Coburger Glaspreis 2022

The Event In 2022 the Coburger Glaspreis took place. This event presents the actual modern glass design in Europe. I must say it is an impressive presentation of “How to create artist ideas in glass”. I have shot a lot of photos but I cant present you my results due to copy right reasons. The catalog of the contest will present all artwork to you. The Locations The Contest is split into two locations. The first place is the Rosenau Park, in the Glass Museum of Modern Art.The second place is the Veste Coburg. Even the Veste Coburg has formidable […]

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Salzburg worth a Visit

Some History Salzburg is a very old town. Salzburg was founded in 696 AC as a bishop’s see. The fortress was build in the 11th century. Salzburg was best known as a town of salt trade during the middle ages. That was the reason that Salzburg get rich. Starting in the 17th century the bishops invested in the cultural development of the city. From 1816 Salzburg belongs to Austria. Today Salzburg is cultural hotspot of Europe (Salzburger Festspiele) from Mai to September. Also the fair is important for the trade relations in Austria. Touristic activities are als a main part […]

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The Ahr One Year Later

First Visit after the Flood Living in cologne I have visited the Ahr area several times a year. Its a beautiful landscape and you can taste and buy wines with a very good quality. On 14th July 2021 a huge flood destroyed nearly the whole infrastructure and many houses in the valley. More than 130 people did not survive the flood. Now after one year of reconstruction work I decided to visit the “Ahrtal” to gain an impression how is the situation now. At the first glance, standing at the valley entrance, the feeling is “Nothing Changed”. Green vineyards along […]

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Around Röbel Müritz

Art Event in Mecklenburg Vorpommern After two years of Corona the yearly event “Kunst Offen” started again 2022 in Mecklenburg Vorpommern. This event normally takes place every year at Pentecost. It is hard to choose which presentation is worth a visit. You will find an information brochure. Please visit this Link to get more information: To give you an impression, this photo I took at Kummerow: Nature Events The nature will present best images. I will show you some shots: Röbel the Small City at the Müritz Lake Röbel is a small city located at the Müritz Lake. The advantage: […]

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